Smart and Sustainable Built Environment Pty Ltd
Prof Karine Dupre
Senior Consultant
Master of Architecture (France), MPhil in Anthropology (France), PhD in Urban Planning and Design (Finland) and Contemporary History (France)
Prof. Karine Dupre is internationally recognised for her projects and experience in various aspects of valuation of architecture, urban design and planning and its use to translate research into practice through decision-making, policy-making, participation and design-solving.
Some of her key expertise areas include sustainable and resilient regional development, architecture, design and planning, community engagement and policy development. She has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and more than 30 consultancy contracts with Local Governments and private businesses.
She was the French expert for the Initiative for Low Energy Training in Europe Program (2009-2010), has been trained to PassivHaus and is currently leading research projects to mitigate Urban Heat Islands with the City of Ipswich and Townsville.
She is the former Head of Architecture at INSA, France (2007-2011) and Griffith Architecture, Australia (2016-2017).
Professional registrations: SAFA registered architect (Finland #7384), affiliated to the Planning Institute of Australia and accredited designer at the Design Institute of Australia.